The Complete Set of U.S. Military Silver Dollars
From infantry soldiers to 5-star generals, from the Revolutionary War to the most recent conflicts, including:
• Coins minted for collectors only in extremely limited quantities, each worth many times its face value.
• Coveted issues like the first U.S. coin to honor America’s military, and the only one celebrating the role of women.
• Professionally written Information Cards that accompany each coin and feature narrative about their topics.
• Each one-year-only design is presented in stunning Proof quality — the highest issued by the U.S. Mint.
• FREE: A Display Chest, yours at no extra charge, sent with the third shipment.
• Guarantee of Satisfaction: Free returns and you may cancel at any time.
In Stock
Featuring all 19 commemorative coins that have been released to date honoring those who served, The Complete Set of U.S. Military Silver Dollars forms a collectible of beauty, meaning and importance. This collection allows you the convenience of building it item-by-item with a gradual payment and shipment plan: Coins will be shipped at the rate of one every other month and you can pay for each coin in two monthly installments. To ensure a complete collection, any new Military Silver Dollars will be included as they become available (plus another display chest as needed.)
These historic coins are protectively encapsulated for safe handling and easy viewing of both sides. Please note: The exact appearance of the coins you receive may vary from the images shown.
The elegant, glass-topped wooden chest (measuring approximately 15" x 5¼" x 10½") will be sent with your third shipment.
Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You may return any shipment within 30 days for replacement, or for a full refund with no further obligation. You may cancel at any time by calling the toll-free number included with each shipment. Either party may cancel this agreement at any time. Price is subject to possible adjustment due to unusual market conditions.
Item #:CCM