Barber Silver Dime, Indian Head Penny & Liberty Head Nickel — Discount Set
over 70% off!

Barber Silver Dime, Indian Head Penny & Liberty Head Nickel — Discount Set
Barber Silver Dime, Indian Head Penny & Liberty Head Nickel — Discount Set
over 70% off!
- By acting fast you can now receive THREE century-old U.S. coins for the price of ONE! That's just $14.97 -- quite a value versus the regular price of $49.89 (plus $6 shipping and service).
- This set includes an Indian Head Penny, last issued more than 110 years ago; a Barber Silver Dime, the rarest U.S. 10-cent coin in a century; and a Liberty Head Nickel, first minted in 1883!
- Where did all the "lost" century-old coins go? Untold millions have been lost over the past century. But if you're quick, three of the survivors can still be yours at more than a 70% discount!
- With your purchase, you will also receive other historic U.S. coins, which you may purchase at regular price or return within 30 days. You may also cancel at any time.
- Remaining inventory is declining fast -- please hurry! Due to high demand, there is a strict limit of one introductory set per household while supplies last. All orders subject to acceptance. Order immediately!
FREE Shipping
First shipment is only $14.97 plus FREE SHIPPING. Limit one per household.
In Stock
Item #:CC5